
types of addiction

What are the types of addiction? How do they effect you?

What are the different effects of addiction?

It is known that there are many different types of addiction that can effect someone

It is known that there are two different types of addiction that a person can be afflicted with. One of which is substance addiction, which involves the abuse of legal drugs like alcohol or illegal drugs like cocaine and the other is behavioural addiction, which involves no substance but instead can see a person becoming addicted to a behaviour like gambling or gaming which can be deemed as destructive to their well-being.

Within these two types of addiction, there are different substances or behaviours that a person can fall into the grips of and each should be treated with the same care and consideration as the next. Understanding the similarities and differences between the types of addiction can help you and others to become more aware of the dangers, and how to treat and overcome addiction.

What are the extended effects?

Alcohol, prescription drugs (Codeine or Benzodiazepine addiction), legal highs and illegal drugs (Cocaine or Heroin addiction) are all substances that you can become addicted too and even if a substance is not regarded as addictive, it can still cause a user to become dependent. Unfortunately, there is still a significant amount of stigmatisation attached to this type of addiction. This is largely down to the way that a sufferer’s personality can change when unable to use their substance.

Those suffering from addiction need a substance in the same way that others need air to breathe and the person is more likely to become detached, irritable and even angry when in the grips of their addiction and they are without the substance. This can become, understandably,  very difficult for friends and family members to cope with.

Personality changes are completely due to addiction and are completely out of the addict’s control. It is important to take the perspective that the person can be helped and that they are not a ‘lost cause’ because of their attitude. Substance addiction can also cause an individual’s physical health to suffer. They may become very unwell and there may also be some significant physical changes.  These can include, weight loss, sunken eyes, yellowing of the skin and sometimes even permanent organ damage.

Rehabilitation programmes and treatment centres can help to stop substance abuse and destructive behaviour, as well as find the root cause of the problem.